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The Daily Boost is a short inspirational email that I send most days. You can find a few samples below, under the sign up box. I write them on the day rather than pre-write them in bulk. This might be why some people find that they feel very relevant to them on the day.

Subscribe to my Daily Boost here

Here's a few samples of past Daily Boosts

November 29th, 2024
A wee bit of encouragement today:

No matter what challenge you're facing right now, you'll handle it.

Rootin' for you here!

November 18th, 2024
So much of life is to be found in the little moments.

In the smiles exchanged, the reassuring words, the seemingly small acts of kindness. The laughter with friends, the board games with family, the dog walks, a cat on your lap, the sharing of meals. The deep conversations, the tears, the lighter conversations too.

Most of life takes place in these seemingly little moments.

Let's savour these moments, because there will come a time when we realise that they were actually the big moments.

September 16th, 2024
Here's a little tip based on things I've learned over the years that can help you find a little more peace or happiness in your day-to-day life.

Give your attention to things you can influence or control, let go of what you can't, and fill your days with as much kindness and connection as you can. If it's not coming your way, be the source of it in the lives of others.