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Book cover of The Joy of Actually Giving a Fuck. Large light blue writing on a bright yellow background.

My New Book

Now available everywhere books are sold

Book cover of The Joy of Actually Giving a Fuck. Large light blue writing on a bright yellow background.

My New Book

Now available everywhere books are sold

Book cover of The Joy of Actually Giving a Fuck. Large light blue writing on a bright yellow background.
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About Dr David R Hamilton

I'm a writer, columnist, speaker, and author of 12 books.

“This book should be the thought for the day every single day.”

Dr. Julie Smith, Sunday Times Best-selling author of 'Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?'

Some of my other books

My books cover a range of subjects, from kindness, the mind-body connection, self love / self-esteem, to understanding alternative and spiritual practices.

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“David brings science to life with such passion”

Emma Chase, Communications and Engagement Manager, COSTA COFFEE

Latest from my blog

Grey areas, Grocery Aisles, and Hermione Granger: How to navigate life’s ethical quirks
image: iStock Ethics is one of those words that sounds so… serious. In fact, I’ve been known to swipe left on a social media post the moment I saw the...
> Read More about Grey areas, Grocery Aisles, and Hermione Granger: How to navigate life’s ethical quirks
A hand putting a pebble with a smile drawn on it onto a small pile of three pebbles - flat on the bottom, a round one in the middle, and a flat one on top. The smile pebble is being placed on top of this one. It's on a beach and there's a blue sky in the background.
The Power of Acceptance: It’s Not About Giving Up
Middle-aged businesswoman receiving praises from multi ethnic colleagues. She is wearing a pale blue blouse and black skirt, has medium length blond hair, and is smiling broadly.
Kindness at the Helm: Rethinking Leadership
Relaxed cheerful man relaxing on a yellow bean bag chair with a light sky blue blue wall in the background. He's wearing light blue jeans and denim jacket and white t-shirt.
Embracing Stillness: The Power of Letting Go
Section of DNA in 3D, lying left-to-right. It's lit in the centre, like a light emanating. The DNA is made of small bubbles in pastel blue and pink colours.
Kind genes: Nature’s reward package

“David's clear explanation of recent research on kindness shows that far from a weakness, kindness is instead a powerful force from which we all benefit.”

Sharon Salzberg, New York Times Best-selling author of 'Real Happiness' and 'Lovingkindness'

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