Here's a sample of some of the podcasts I've been interviewed on, from Rangan Chatterjee's, 'Feel Better Live More', to Simon Mundie's, 'Don't Tell Me The Score', to the HEAL podcast, 'Master Your Mind', with Marisa Peer, and 'The Doctor's Kitchen', with Dr Rupy Aujla, and much more.
Episode title: How kindness can boost your immune system and make you happier
I was interviewed by Rangan for his award-winning podcast in Feb 2020.
When you’re kind to someone, it’s not just that person who benefits. Kindness makes you happier too. It’s also good for your heart, it helps support your immune system, it slows ageing, it improves relationships, and it’s contagious – any small act of kindness you might perform is proven to have a ripple effect that reaches over 100 more people.
We also chat about the placebo effect and the many studies that demonstrate how the brain actually changes – and the body heals – in response to certain information. We talk at length about oxytocin, which I call, ‘the kindness hormone’, and how it’s the main contributor to heart health outside exercise. And he explains why kindness is the opposite of – and antidote to – stress.
Episode title: Why Woo-Woo Works
In this podcast, HEAL Documentary director and Executive Producer, Kelly Noonan Gores, and I chat about the science behind some complementary and alternative therapies, and suggest that rather than being woo-woo, many are true-woo.
We also discuss spirituality, prayer studies, and the question of whether consciousness is inside the head or something more fundamental to nature that just feels like it's in the head.
In this podcast, I was interviewed by Wimbledon correspondent and host of the highly popular 'Don't Tell Me The Score' podcast.
We chatted about how kindness can positively impact our health, our relationships, and the world around us. We also talked about the mind-body connection.
Episode Title: Using your mind to turn illness into Wellness
In this episode, bestselling author, Marisa Peer, and I chat about the mind-body connection and how to harness it for health and wellness.
We talk about research into visualisation and how it can train brain networks, and I share a simple technique to help guide the body from illness towards wellness.
In this chat, we explored the placebo effect, how to cultivated inner self confidence and esteem, and manifesting physical changes in the body and brain with visualisation and mental exercises.
We also discussed how kindness is the antidote to stress, and the virality of Kindness.
And we chatted about the difference between toxic positivity and empathy and that kindness is like a muscle that needs to be worked
Title: Where Science and Tennis Collide
I was interviewed in April 2020 by Kris Soutar, an LTA Level 5 High Performance tennis coach. Kris is one of the top tennis coaches in the UK.
In this podcast, we chatted about the mind-body connection and how we can use visualisation to enhance sport's performance. We also talked about kindness and it's place in tennis, how having a kind attitude towards your opponent can actually diffuse your own stress and make you play better.
This podcast can equally apply to almost any sport and shows how we can apply the mind-body connection.
Episode Title: Kindness Cures Wrinkles
This episode will recorded after I appeared as a guest on Channel 4's Sunday Brunch, which Tim presents alongside Simon Rimmer.
We chatted about all the different ways that kindness has an impact on mental and physical health, and even on ageing. In particular, we discussed research on how kindness hormones neutralise free radicals inside skin cells and thus help to reduce the rate of ageing of skin. It's opposite to how stress increases free radicals and accelerates ageing.