
A cream coloured cup on a table with a pink daisy flower beside it. Resting on the cup is a torn off piece of paper with the words, 'You are stronger than you think' typed on it.

Kindness Isn’t Weakness

“Kindness is weak”, “Kindness is soft and flimsy”, “Kindness is for the weak”, “Nice guys finish last.”

These are common misperceptions.

girl wearing bright yellow jumper hugging herself against a bright yellow background.

Mindfulness 2.0 – The power of Kindfulness

Kindfulness is a word I use quite a lot. Sounds like mindfulness, right? That’s not…

Section of DNA in 3D, lying left-to-right. It's lit in the centre, like a light emanating. The DNA is made of small bubbles in pastel blue and pink colours.

Kind genes: Nature’s reward package

You have kind genes! Seriously. We all have. Kind genes are some of the oldest…

Female silhouette against purple background, with her hands holding big red heart with flowers growing out of it.

For beautiful eyes

I was recently reminded of a quote by Audrey Hepburn.  It’s one of my favourite…