
cartoon of three characters in a circle, one green, one blue and one yellow with arrows going around the circle from one to another.

3 degrees of contagion – how feelings spread

Happiness is contagious. So is depression. Loneliness is too. As is kindness. You can even gain or lose weight because of a change in someone 3 contacts away.

Dark haired woman with eyes closed, smiling, with her hands on her heart.

The power of counting kindness

Seventy one female students were once asked to count how often they were kind. Now,…

Female hand holding cup of coffee on white wooden table. The coffee has a heart made out of chocolate dust on it.

The Mother Theresa Effect

I was sitting at the window of a coffee shop working on my laptop. I…

Father and his child playing together. Child on father's shoulders with arms outstretched, looking at a sunset.

3 ways that being kind can slow ageing

It might sound ‘out there’, but it’s to do with the way kindness feels and how this feeling impacts some very important processes in the body.