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1) Belief
Research shows us that when a person receives a placebo that they believe is a drug, and subsequently experiences a placebo effect, it is because their brain has produced the substances necessary to give them what they expected the drug to do. For example, when you receive a placebo for pain, but you think it’s a real painkiller, you expect a reduction in pain. Thus, your brain produces its own natural painkillers to meet this expectation – ie. a reduction in pain.
2) Stress
Your brain doesn’t distinguish between whether you’re facing a stressful situation right now or imagining it happening. Your brain produces stress hormones (like adrenalin and cortisol) when you feel stressed in a stressful situation, but it also produces them when you imagine a stressful situation.
3) Kindness
When you’re kind to a person or an animal and you feel a sense of warmth or connection, your brain and heart produce oxytocin (aka, the kindness hormone, love drug, hug drug, or cuddle chemical). Oxytocin acts on your brain circuits (to create a sense of bonding), on your arteries (to reduce blood pressure) and on your immune system (to combat stress damage). But if you close your eyes and vividly imagine the same kindness, your brain will also produce oxytocin. It’s down to how you feel, and you can feel the same warmth and connection whether you’re being kind in reality or simply in your imagination.
4) Eating
Some research shows that when you imagine eating (the full process of biting, chewing, imagining the taste, and swallowing), your brain can process it in much the same way as if you were actually eating. When you eat something, there comes a point when your brain says, “I’m full” and thus the brain begins to supress your appetite (so you don’t eat until you burst). Research where people imagined eating sweets or cubes of cheese found that their brain had processed it as if they really had ate the sweets or cheese, and thus also supressed their appetite for more.
5) Movement
Research with athletes and stroke patients repeatedly show that imagining specific movements improve the ability to perform those movements. As such, imagining lifting weights makes you stronger, imagining swinging a golf club helps you hit the ball better, and imagining lifting your arm when your movement has been impaired improves your ability to lift your arm. According to brain scans, this is because imagining movements activates and builds the same brain circuits as actually moving does. Visualisation (mental imagery) techniques have subsequently helped sportspeople improve their performance as well as helping stroke patients recover more movement and much quicker.
6) The immune system
Research shows that if we imagine increasing the numbers of particular immune cells or antibodies, we can actually increase these numbers. It has even been trialled in patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, where one group of patients, in addition to receiving their treatment as normal, also visualise their immune system destroying cancer cells. These studies show that patients visualising their immune systems working have higher numbers of T-cells and more active killer cells than those not visualising.
Further info:
A discussion of the mind-body connection and how to harness it can be found in my book, ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body‘ (Hay House, London, 2018)
I teach the mind-body connection and how to harness it in my Personal Development Club. Click on the image below to learn more.
This is very interesting work. Do you believe that for people with neuro-diverse brains, this approach can have their brains produce more dopamine, for example?
Hi Faye, there is certainly evidence from placebo research where the brains of people with Parkinson’s produced dopamine when given a placebo. The research was done by Fabrizio Benedetti, of the university of Turin school of medicine. Here’s a reference: https://www.nature.com/news/parkinson-s-patients-trained-to-respond-to-placebos-1.19341
Thank you very much for that link. Also, what about people with ADHD and ASD, is there any evidence that their brains can also generate more dopamine?
I’m not aware of any studies with ADHD or ASD, sorry. It might be there some research has been done, but it’s not an area that I’ve personally looked into, sorry. I would expect, though, that their brains could develop more dopamine too as the concept of belief producing biology seems to apply to most people.
Thank you, this is so super interesting!
Yes, that’s what I’m thinking too. Thanks.
Hi, is there any research regarding MS, I am finding it difficult with what to visualise because I know my immune system is attacking itself causing pain n difficulties in walking. So do I visualise my immune system not attacking or the myelin sheath being repaired or me walking well. Any advice would be really appreciated.
Hi Nicola, with autoimmune conditions, people typically visualise the immune system changing its behaviour, so not attacking the myelin sheath with MS. Often times, they add a second and third part to the visualisation, where they imagine any damage being repaired and movement being restored to normal, ie. visualising walking. I hope that’s helpful.:-)
Hi Dr Hamilton, great article! Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us.
Do you have any guided visualisations available that we can listen to?
Thank you 🙂
Hello, Ruchi, I have a few free ones. Here’s a link to the page on my website where you can download them: http://drdavidhamilton.com/howtovisualise/ 🙂
[…] a good way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined in case you begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined for those who begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined if you happen to begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined for those who begin to give your self the alerts that you really want, a mantra or affirmation goes […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined in case you begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined if you happen to begin to give your self the alerts that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what is real and what is imagined when you begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation goes […]
[…] a good way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined if you happen to begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what is real and what is imagined in case you begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined for those who begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined if you happen to begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or […]
[…] de nous aider à nous sentir connectés. Comme le cerveau ne peut pas faire la différence entre ce qui est réel et ce qui est imaginé si vous commencez à vous donner les signaux que vous voulez, un mantra ou une affirmation va […]
[…] way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what is real and what is imagined when you begin to give your self the alerts that you really want, a mantra or affirmation goes to […]
[…] way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what is real and what is imagined in case you begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] good way to assist us really feel related. Because the mind can not inform the distinction between what is real and what is imagined for those who begin to give your self the alerts that you really want, a mantra or affirmation goes […]
[…] safe,” is a great way to help us feel connected. As the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined if you start to give yourself the signals that you want, a mantra or affirmation is going to really […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what’s actual and what’s imagined in case you begin to give your self the alerts that you really want, a mantra or affirmation goes […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] way to assist us really feel linked. Because the mind can’t inform the distinction between what is real and what is imagined in case you begin to give your self the indicators that you really want, a mantra or affirmation […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
[…] that support the experience you’re showcasing. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, which speaks to the power of […]
Anyone know if this works for Tinnitus? had it awful (constant both ears and sometimes sounds like coming from inside back of head) since got covid last year.
What would I need to be visualizing to get rid of it?
[…] Your mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real or what is imagined. […]