Part of self-love is loving yourself as you are. Nobody is perfect. We’re all human. We all make mistakes. It’s OK to be you, just as you are.
As many of my readers know, I’m all about self-love this year. My new book (I Heart Me: The Science of Self-Love) is out in October. One section of the book is called ‘Love The Skin You’re In’, which reminded me of the poem that my partner Elizabeth wrote for the positive self-image campaign, ‘Body Gossip’, which has now been performed by celebrities (YouTube link below).
I’ve included it in the book but I just wanted to give you a sneaky look right now. It’s called, ‘Mocha Choca Latte, Yah Yah… Please’:
Yah, I’ll have a decaf extra skinny mocha choca latte please
My waist will be smaller to accentuate my double D’s!
You see, that’s the only part of me that’s allowed to be big
Otherwise the press will have a field day and call me a pig
They papped me on holiday, lying in the sun
Then proclaimed to the world, “Ha, look at her bum!”
In a terrible state I rushed to the gym
Pleading my trainer, “Please make me thin!”
The next two weeks I was worked to the bone
My ass, thighs and abs ordered to tone
My dairy became soya and steak became fish
The pounds were dropping off, I was getting my wish!
I grabbed my trainer and said, “You’re my hero!”
“I’ve dropped 3 dress sizes, I’m now a size zero!”
On top of the world, I attended a premiere
Expecting the press to say, “Wow, what a derriere!”
Instead though they didn’t and this is what I read,
“She looks like a rake and has a lollipop head”
Shocked and confused, just what the hell do they want?!
I thought I’d be praised for looking skinny and gaunt
What, I get slagged for being fat and for being thin?
Well I give up, I don’t know how to win
Now young girls are starving to look like me
Viewing my airbrushed pictures, if only they could see
That I have blemishes, lumps and bumps just like them
See if they could see that, well, maybe then
Things could change and we’d be allowed to be free
No dangerous diets and starving but we could just be
Whatever size we naturally are
And we’ll be admired from close-up and afar
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
We should believe this, instead of looking over our shoulder
At who is thinner, prettier and who’s bones sticks out most
Its time to take a stand, I don’t wanna be a ghost!
When will we be happy with what we see in the mirror?
We are beautiful – let’s stop getting thinner and thinner!
You know what, forget what I ordered – for goodness sake
I’ll have a full fat latte – and a carrot cake!
A healthy balanced diet with a few treats thrown in
That’s the way to go – that’s the way to win!
So what if I have a few dimples on my thighs
It’s about time that magazines stopped telling lies
I’m taking a stand and being happy, not just thin
It’s time to be content with the skin that I’m in.
By Elizabeth Caproni
Here’s a YouTube video of the celebrity performance of the poem
Thanks David,
Very timely. I have been saying “I love you “ to myself in the mirror nearly daily and I am sure it is making a difference. I met you at the Kings Langley festival (I had met you before at a Longevity event in Euston) and loved your talk, your honesty is refreshing, thank you. I have shared this on my Fbook page and via Twitter. The poem is fab!
Keep up the great work that you do and thanks for being honest 😉
Thanks Sara. 🙂
Thanks David,
Very timely. I have been saying “I love you “ to myself in the mirror nearly daily and I am sure it is making a difference. I met you at the Kings Langley festival (I had met you before at a Longevity event in Euston) and loved your talk, your honesty is refreshing, thank you. I have shared this on my Fbook page and via Twitter. The poem is fab!
Keep up the great work that you do and thanks for being honest 😉
Thanks Sara. 🙂
Made me smile. I love it!
Love it! A great example to the youth of today. Go Elizabeth! 🙂 x
Thanks Esther. 🙂
Love it! A great example to the youth of today. Go Elizabeth! 🙂 x
Thanks Esther. 🙂